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23 Best Productivity Software in 2024

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Interactive on-call management & alerting service
Software Categories: Cloud Security, Incident Management, On-Call Management, Productivity
Parny is an interactive on-call management and alerting service that helps you stay on top of your team’s incident response. It integrates with over 40 monitoring and cloud services, ensuring you never miss a critical alert. With Parny, you can easily manage your on-call schedules, ensuring the right person is alerted at the right time. The interactive timeline feature allows you to track incident progress, complete with comments, emojis, and mentions, just like a social...
The cleanest Clipboard Manager on macOS
Software Categories: Productivity
CleanClip is an advanced clipboard manager for macOS that simplifies the way you handle and reuse copied content. It solves the challenge of managing clipboard history by providing a clean and intuitive interface, auto-saving copies, and offering quick and easy access to your clipboard records. With CleanClip, you can effortlessly manage infinite bookmark lists, paste in sequence, and enjoy full format support for various private formats. This powerful tool ensures that you can efficiently find...
Prioritize, stay focused & reach your goals
Software Categories: Calendar, Goal Tracking, Productivity, Task Management
Juno is a productivity tool that integrates your tasks, calendar events, and emails, providing a centralized platform to manage your daily workflow. It helps you stay focused, plan your day, and reflect on your progress. With Juno, you can seamlessly coordinate your tasks and calendar events, block time for important tasks, estimate task durations, and track your progress. The platform also allows you to integrate with other apps, add tasks from them to your to-do...
Your go-to platform for daily task management
Software Categories: Goal Tracking, Productivity, Task Management, Task Tracking
Modul’ is an all-in-one productivity platform that simplifies task management, integrating features like note-taking, chat, and more. Whether you’re organizing personal chores or collaborating on team projects, Modul’ streamlines your workflow, making it effortless and efficient. Ideal for freelancers, professionals, and teams alike, it elevates your productivity and helps you achieve your goals seamlessly....
A virtual office for max productivity
Software Categories: Goal Tracking, Productivity, Remote Work, Virtual Office
Undesk is a collaborative virtual office and private productivity tracker that revolutionizes remote work. It creates a sense of presence, allowing you to work “side-by-side” with your team, share active apps, and communicate instantly. The platform also automatically tracks and scores your productivity, providing a personal life log just for you. With a focus on minimizing CPU usage and storing data locally, Undesk ensures a seamless and efficient remote work experience, rebuilding momentum in your...
invoice pages
Eliminate the need for manual invoice creation
Software Categories: Invoicing, Productivity
Invoice Pages is an innovative online tool that simplifies the process of creating and managing invoices. It allows you to effortlessly generate personalized invoices for your services or products and share the generator link with your clients, enabling them to create their own invoices hassle-free. With Invoice Pages, you can streamline your invoicing process, save time, and maintain full control over your revenue. The platform offers customizable invoice pages, automated invoice generation, effortless record-keeping, and...
Turn your speech into well-written text
Software Categories: Productivity, Task Management, Text to Speech, To Do List
Letterly is a mobile app that transforms your spoken words into well-structured text, saving you time and effort. It allows you to quickly capture your thoughts, create to-do lists, summarize ideas, and write messages without the need for typing. With Letterly, you can easily send clear emails, structure your plans, and extract key takeaways from meetings by simply speaking. The app supports over 100 languages and offers various rewriting options, along with dark and light...
The joyful productivity app
Software Categories: Calendar, Productivity, Task Management, To Do List is an all-in-one productivity app that integrates your todos, email, and calendar, providing a seamless solution for managing your daily tasks and schedules. With Amie, you can enjoy the convenience of having all your essential tools in one place, making it easier to stay organized and focused. The app offers features such as NLP scheduling, multiple accounts management, and time zone assistance, allowing you to schedule tasks using natural language, manage all your accounts...
Build the exact Design token workflow your design system needs
Software Categories: Design, Development, Productivity
Specify is an AI-powered platform that centralizes and automates design tokens, ensuring a consistent design language across all your digital products. With over 50 token types, it provides effortless collaboration for designers and developers, supporting sync from multiple sources and customizable workflows. The platform is natively compatible with various tools such as Figma, GitHub, and Notion, and offers open-source parsers to generate design tokens and assets that match your company standards. Specify allows you to...
Find everything across all apps with just one search bar
Software Categories: AI Assistant, AI Productivity, Productivity
Findr is a workplace search tool that revolutionizes how you access information across all your favorite apps. It acts as your organization’s internal Google, allowing you to search across all your apps from just one search bar, eliminating the need for app-switching. With AI-powered assistance, Findr not only fetches your data but also understands your questions to provide direct answers. It helps you cut down time spent on searching for information, improves team collaboration and...
Elevate team communication on Slack
Software Categories: Productivity, Slack, Team Communication
Poll is a Slack-integrated tool that revolutionizes team communication by enabling you to conduct polls and gather insights seamlessly within your Slack workspace. With iPoll, you can effortlessly create single or multi-question polls, fostering real-time collaboration and decision-making among your team members. The platform also offers anonymous voting, recurring poll scheduling, and user-generated options, promoting unbiased feedback and collective decision-making. iPoll provides real-time visibility into poll votes, allowing you to stay informed and make data-driven...
Redefine your day with a revolutionary calendar app
Software Categories: Calendar, Productivity, Task Management
Kyugo is a revolutionary calendar and task planning application that transforms the way you perceive and manage your time. Traditional time management often feels like a burden, with endless checkboxes waiting to be ticked. However, Kyugo empowers you to define your day on your own terms, offering a more visual and intuitive way to plan your day. It provides a circular intuitive calendar, custom meeting and work schedule, and a focus on what truly matters...
Revolutionize web-based collaboration and feedback exchange
Software Categories: Productivity, Task Management, Team Collaboration, Website Feedback
not8 is a product improvement tool that transforms the way you collaborate and provide feedback on websites and web apps. It allows you to leave text and video sticky notes directly on webpages, facilitating seamless communication and collaboration with your team and clients. With not8, you can eliminate ambiguity by pinpointing specific elements on any website, providing crystal clear visual context that leaves no room for misunderstandings. The platform also integrates with thousands of tools...
Revolutionize your deep work with AI-powered coaching
Software Categories: Productivity, Self Improvement, Time Tracking
Magicflow is an AI time tracker designed to help you focus on deep work, providing real-time coaching and eliminating the need for manual categorization of your work. Unlike traditional time tracking apps, Magicflow goes beyond displaying your data by offering actionable insights to enhance your productivity. It helps you get into the flow and stay focused, allowing you to dive into your work patterns and make necessary adjustments to your schedule. With features such as...
Open-source UI components for seamless development
Software Categories: Development, Open Source, Productivity
Preline UI is an open-source set of prebuilt UI components designed for developers working on UI development. Crafted with Tailwind CSS, Preline UI offers a wide range of components and examples compatible with popular frameworks like React and Vue. With a dark mode variant, it allows you to style your site differently when dark mode is enabled. The product also includes a Figma design system and a variety of Tailwind CSS components. The entire codebase...
strut ai
Streamline writing and collaboration with AI assistance
Software Categories: AI, Collaboration, Content Creation, Productivity
Strut is an AI-powered workspace that combines writing tools, collaborative workspaces, and project organization, allowing you to capture, organize, and collaborate on your content. The platform offers drag-and-drop organization, customizable stages, real-time collaboration, and various views for your documents. Additionally, Strut’s AI commands and workflows enable you to generate outlines, brainstorm ideas, and repurpose content effortlessly. It also facilitates inline editing, refining, and clear instructions to the AI, ensuring the creation of high-quality work. Strut...
Streamline information retrieval and enhance productivity at work
Software Categories: AI Assistant, Productivity
Ayraa is an AI-powered search and knowledge management platform designed to streamline information retrieval and enhance productivity in the workplace. It allows you to capture and retrieve information from various apps, search across multiple platforms, and receive personalized recommendations for relevant knowledge. With Ayraa, you can chat with long and complex web pages interactively, save important ones to a personal knowledge vault, and work uninterrupted with the feature-rich Slack bot. The platform also enables you...
xmind ai
Team brainstorming and mind mapping assisted with AI
Software Categories: AI, Mind Map, Productivity, To Do List
Xmind AI is a powerful mind mapping and brainstorming tool that enables content teams to collaborate and visualize ideas effectively. The software provides a user-friendly interface for sign-in and offers a seamless platform for brainstorming and mind mapping, fostering efficient collaboration and idea generation. With Xmind AI, content teams can streamline their brainstorming processes, organize thoughts, and create visual representations of ideas, ultimately enhancing creativity and productivity. Content teams can benefit from improved collaboration, streamlined...
Your meetings on autopilot with AI
Software Categories: Meeting, Meeting Management, Productivity, Team Collaboration
Dive is the ultimate meeting management software for busy professionals, streamlining the process of hosting productive meetings. Dive enables teams to efficiently capture and review conversations, recaps, and action items from each meeting with its innovative AI-powered platform. This cloud-based software integrates seamlessly with Zoom, Slack, Google Calendar, and Google Meet to make meetings effortless. Meeting hosts can simply start a meeting in their preferred service – Zoom or Google Meet – then open up...
Leave Me Alone
Easily unsubscribe from emails
Software Categories: Email Management, Privacy, Productivity
Leave Me Alone offers real unsubscribe functionality, meaning that once you unsubscribe from an email list, you won’t receive any more emails from that sender again. In addition to its powerful unsubscribe feature, Leave Me Alone has several other unique features like Rollups that combine your remaining newsletters into email digests, Inbox Shield that makes sure you only receive messages from trusted senders, and Priority Senders that keeps the messages you need to see right...
Ditch repetitive typing with one-click using canned responses
Software Categories: Customer Support, Productivity
SwiftReply is a versatile productivity tool designed to enhance efficiency in communication and customer service. Compatible with all chromium browsers and available on Android and iOS devices, SwiftReply allows users to create and utilize canned responses or pre-written templates for repetitive inquiries or tasks. It offers a robust solution to the time-consuming process of typing out similar responses repeatedly, ensuring consistency and speed in communication. With its commitment to data security and privacy, SwiftReply is...
Say goodbye to tedious email replies with Ellie's AI-assistant
Software Categories: AI Writing, Email, Email Management, Productivity
Meet Ellie, your intelligent AI email assistant designed to make your life easier and your communication more efficient. Powered by GPT-4, Ellie learns from your unique writing style and crafts personalized email replies that feel as if they were written by you. By understanding the context of your email threads, Ellie generates thoughtful and relevant responses, saving you valuable time and effort while maintaining your personal touch....
Your writing assistant, Everywhere.
Software Categories: AI Writing, Content Creation, Productivity is an innovative and dynamic AI-powered tool designed to streamline your digital tasks and enhance productivity. It’s a cutting-edge solution that utilizes advanced artificial intelligence to automate a wide range of tasks, such as drafting emails, creating content, conducting research, and much more. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, is the perfect companion for anyone looking to optimize their time and increase efficiency. Whether you are a professional writer, a busy entrepreneur,...
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